
January 8, 2024
WEIGHT LOSS, DETOX & EXERCISE PLAN By Shane Massey – Certified Personal Trainer Weight Loss Principles 101 – You must have a caloric deficit to lose weight. Meaning, you have to burn more calories than you consume.  If you have a 3500 calorie deficit over a 7 day period, you will lose one pound.  That...
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Until about a year ago, I avoided strength training, convinced that sweaty cardio was more effective. Since embracing it, though, my body has completely transformed (hello, obliques and biceps!) and I feel healthier than ever. The benefits of strength training don’t end with a more sculpted bod, though. (Far from it, actually.) And you don’t have to use barbells...
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Weight Loss Principles 101 – You must have a caloric deficit to lose weight.Meaning, you have to burn more calories than you consume.  If you have a 3500 calorie deficit over a 7 day period, you will lose one pound.  That is a 500 calorie deficit everyday for 1 week.  If you have a bigger...
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